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Excel 2016 Intermediate
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Files for class and getting started video
Unit 1 - Managing workbooks and worksheets
Topic A1: Freezing rows and columns and hiding (2:51)
Topic A2: Moving around a worksheet (3:06)
Topic A3: Summing up time (1:37)
Topic A4: Convert decimals to time (2:29)
Topic B1: Printing large worksheets (2:53)
Topic B2: Landscape printing (3:12)
Topic B3: Printing problems (2:44)
Topic B4: Printing headers and footers and gridlines (3:21)
Topic C1: 3D reference #1 (2:15)
Topic C2: Status bar calculations and Autofit (2:49)
Topic D1: 3D reference #2 and autofill options (2:58)
Topic E1: Linking and using workbooks (4:03)
Unit 2: Advanced formatting
Topic A: Using special number formats - leading zeros (2:53)
Topic B: Getting started with Countif (2:53)
Topic C: Accounting vs Currency / Percentages and Countif (3:04)
Topic D: Countif with Absolute reference (2:11)
Topic E: Entering text correctly and T function in Excel (3:41)
Topic F: Accounting - comma - indents and percentages with absolute ref. (2:38)
Topic G: Transpose Data (1:22)
Topic H: Hide zero values (1:03)
Unit 3: Outlining and subtotals
Topic A: Consolidate Data # 1 (3:11)
Topic B: Outlining data (4:44)
Topic C: Creating subtotals #1 (2:37)
Topic D: Subtotals #2 (1:37)
Topic E: Subtotals with page breaks (2:09)
Unit 5 A: Sorting Data
Topic A: Right click and two ranges (3:32)
Topic B: Sorting by multiple columns (2:08)
Topic C: Sorting by fill color and font color (2:21)
Topic D: Creating a custom list for sorting (3:46)
Topic E: Fix data before sorting (4:14)
Topic F: Sort left to right and transpose (2:04)
Topic G: Sorting review (2:36)
Unit 5 B: Filtering Data
Topic A: Getting started with filters (3:24)
Topic B: Filtering with subtotals (4:58)
Topic C: Advanced filters part 1 (4:18)
Topic D: Advanced filters part 2 (2:03)
Unit 7: Documenting and auditing
Topic A: Auditing a worksheet (3:11)
Topic B: Comments in cells and workbooks (1:35)
Topic D1: 3D reference #2 and autofill options
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